Guidelines for Chapters

Instructions for Authors

Articles should be organized in the following order: It should be noted that figures and tables must be placed in the relevant sections of the text. However, the book editors reserve the right to reorganize the format of the accepted article.

a. Title
b. Author(s), full name of institution(s) (institution address)
c. Abstract
d. Keywords
e. Introduction
f. Materials and Methods
g. Results
h. Discussion
i. Conclusion
j. Acknowledgments
k. References

Article Structure:
Preparing the Manuscript

Authors who are not native English speakers are strongly advised to have their manuscript checked by a native speaker before submission.
Manuscripts should be prepared in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with line numbers, on A4-sized paper, with 2 cm margins on the left and right.


APA 7th Edition rules should be used for referencing. For detailed explanations on reference formatting, please click on the following link: [Link].
Whenever possible, include DOI numbers for the cited references.
References should be written in the format available in the freely accessible Mendeley software. You can access the Mendeley software through the following link: [Link].

1 Author
Smith, J. D. (2009). Research ethics in New Zealand: A student guide. Rata Press.
2 Authors
Smith, J. D., & Khan, V. (2009). Research ethics in New Zealand: A student guide. Rata Press.
3 to 20 Authors
Smith, J. D., Khan, V., & Zhang, H. (2009). Research ethics in New Zealand: A student guide. Rata Press.
21+ Authors
Smith, J. D., Khan, V., Zhang, H., Williams, T., Garcia, J., Sato, Y., Thompson, D., Taylor, F. G., McDonald, L., Laine, C., Arnott, A., Fisher, V., Derryck, W., Young, N., Creswell, I., Greene, P., Walsh, Dubois, T., Wright, B., … Roach, C. (2009). Research ethics in New Zealand: A student guide. Rata Press.

In-Text Citation
1 Author
According to Smith (2009), the best source…
…the situation was like this (Smith, 2009).

2 Authors
According to Smith and Khan (2009), the best source…
…the situation was like this (Smith & Khan, 2009).

3 to 20 Authors
According to Smith and colleagues (2009), the best source…
…the situation was like this (Smith et al., 2009).

21+ Authors
According to Smith and colleagues (2009), the best source…
…the situation was like this (Smith et al., 2009).

Edited Book Chapter:
1 Author
Smith, J. D. (2009). Trends in discourse analysis. In G. Schwartz & U. N. Owen (Eds.), Readings in qualitative research design (pp. 15-59). Rata Press.
2 Authors
Smith, J. D., & Khan, V. (2009). Trends in discourse analysis. In G. Schwartz & U. N. Owen (Eds.), Readings in qualitative research design (pp. 15-59). Rata Press.

Journal Article:
1 Author
Smith, J. D. (2009). Māori voices: Bilingual research approaches. Journal of Academic Methodologies, 38(3), 17-28.
2 Authors
Smith, J. D., & Khan, V. (2009). Māori voices: Bilingual research approaches. Journal of Academic Methodologies, 38(3), 17-28.

1 Author
Smith, J. D. (2009). Kindergartens and childcare centers in New Zealand. Ministry of Education.
2 Authors
Smith, J. D., & Khan, V. (2009). Kindergartens and childcare centers in New Zealand. Ministry of Education.

1 Author
Smith, J. D. (2009). National employment forecasts and recommendations (Report No. 122). Rata Press.
2 Authors
Smith, J. D., & Khan, V. (2009). National employment forecasts and recommendations (Report No. 122). Rata Press.

Figures and Images:
Figures should be numbered sequentially and mentioned in the text. Figure captions should be brief, specific, and placed in the corresponding part of the text. Figures and tables must be clearly indicated or referred to in parentheses (Table X, Figure X). If a previously published table or figure is used, authors must obtain written permission and provide it in both print and electronic formats. Three-dimensional histograms should not be used unless the third dimension provides additional information. For images taken under a microscope, scale bars should be used, and the type of stain used should be indicated. Red and green should not be used together in figures, as some readers may not be able to distinguish between these colors. Figure and table captions should be centered and written in Times New Roman 11-point font.

Overview of the Submission and Review Process
A brief summary of the submission and review process is provided below:

  • The manuscript should be prepared in Microsoft Word or Open Office.
  • Figures should be prepared in TIFF, JPG, or EPS format (minimum resolution of 300 dpi) and added to the manuscript with their captions.
  • Tables should not be submitted as image files.
  • A cover letter should be prepared.
  • Send the manuscript file, any additional data files (if applicable), and the cover letter via email or submit through the form.
  • Reviewers will provide recommendations to accept, revise, or reject the manuscript.
  • If your article is accepted, it will be published as “In Press” with an abstract within a week of acceptance.
  • Articles that do not clearly follow these guidelines may be rejected without peer review.
  • Submitted articles should be original research, not previously published or under review elsewhere.
  • Articles should be written in American or British English; however, submissions are welcome from authors worldwide.
  • Manuscripts should be between 8-20 pages in length.



SEAB Organization Committee (2024)