7th European-Asian Biodiversity Symposium (SEAB) will be held at Erzurum Technical University from August 22 to 24, 2024.
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- The Symposium Abstract Book has been published. Click here to access it.
- The Symposium program has been published. Click here to access it.
- The deadline for paper submission for the symposium has passed, and submissions are now closed for all countries. Papers sent via email will not be accepted. We thank you for your interest in the symposium.
- You can participate as an attendee until the last day of the symposium. To receive a participation certificate, it is mandatory to register through the registration section below.
- The Abstract Book will be made available online for all participants.
- Guidelines for Preparing Posters to be Presented
Posters should be 70 cm (width) x 90 cm (height) in size.
The font size should be large enough to be readable from a distance of 1 meter.
The names of the authors should be written under the summary title, and the name of the person who will present the summary should be underlined. - IMPORTANT!! To upload online posters and presentations included in the symposium program to the Blackboard system, you must send the file to seabsymp@erzurum.edu.tr at least 2 hours before your presentation time, ensuring that the file name is formatted as “name-surname.pptx”, “name-surname.ppt” or another commonly used format.
- We kindly request that all participants in your paper register. Click here to register.
- Throughout the symposium, special shuttles provided by Erzurum Technical University for the symposium will depart daily at 9:30 AM from Atatürk University Guesthouse-3 and at 9:45 AM from Erzurum Technical University Guesthouse.
- For detailed information about the Blackboard system, please refer to the video (Turkish): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FRdCAndYudVmhPMsrGxjGMj4Ve9pM0kJ/view
- For detailed information about the Blackboard system, please refer to the PDF (English): https://seabsymp.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/BlackBoard-Guideline.pdf
- If you encounter any issues related to the program, please send an email to seabsymp@erzurum.edu.tr
- Those who will be making online presentations are kindly requested to test their cameras and microphones in the rooms either before the symposium or during non-symposium hours. A guide on how to use the Blackboard system will be shared.
- Online classrooms for the symposium:
- Hybrid Salon: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/1b920afcbd794fa484441d09a048e28d
Online Salon-1: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/9f512c9a4d504f86a4fb802d563274cc
Online Salon-2: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/b8c6568b93d24097a690bc561bc52557
Online Salon-3: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/30030b3e0c514c60a7d13904bce5baac
Poster Salon: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/a141e97b45974932a186aeda767e6365
*** To avoid any issues, it is mandatory to enter the classes using the “Name Surname” format. Otherwise, you will be removed from the class by the moderators.
Important Informations
- Registration
Online or face-to-face, registration is mandatory for all types of participation (Poster Presentation, Oral Presentation , Attendee). Please click here to register. - Participation Fee
SEAB 2024 has been awarded the TÜBİTAK 2223-C Multi-Participant International Event Organization Support, making participation free of charge. - Symposium Format
The symposium will be held both face-to-face and online. Details will be announced.- The face-to-face version of the symposium will take place at the Faculty of Science, Erzurum Technical University.
- The online version will be conducted in virtual classrooms set up in the Blackboard program, where some face-to-face oral presentations will also be broadcasted.
- Accommodation Information
Click here for accommodation details. - Submission Language
The official language for papers is English only. - Presentation Language
The presentation languages can be Turkish, Azerbaijani, English, or Russian; however, the presentation slides must be in English. - Academic Incentive and Credentials
It meets the criteria for academic incentive and the newly dated associate professorship criteria of the Turkish Council of Higher Education (ÜAK). - Quota
There is a 49% quota for participants from Türkiye. - Peer Review Process
All submitted papers will undergo a double-blind review process by at least two referees selected by the committee chairs. Click here for more details.
Important Dates
- Abstract Submission Start Date: April 15, 2024
- Abstract Submission Deadline: August 11, 2024
- Symposium Registration Date: Registration can be made until the last day of the symposium (August 24, 2024).
- Symposium Start Date: August 22, 2024
- Symposium End Date: August 24, 2024
- Full Paper Submission Deadline (Optional): September 10, 2024
(If you wish your full paper to be published in a selected journal, please ensure it is prepared in accordance with the selected journal’s guidelines.)
Invited Speakers

Prof. Dr. Ökkeş ATICI
Atatürk University
WOS h-index: 19
“Renewable and Sustainable Biodiversity”

Prof. Dr. Metin TURAN
Yeditepe University
WOS h-index: 38
“Biodiversity and Traceability in Agricultural Production”

Ass. Prof. Dr. Paulraj Mosae SELVAKUMAR
Asian University for Women
WOS h-index: 20
“The Mighty Palmyrah and Green Bangle Bangle Movement: Empowering Women, Preserving Biodiversity in Bangladesh and Asia”

Asst. Prof. Dr. K.J. Senthil KUMAR
National Chung Hsing University
Scopus h-index: 25
“Essential Oils from Taiwan’s Indigenous Forest Species: Health Benefits, Industrial Applications, and a Sustainable Future”
Time Remaining